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"Vitko delivers an entertaining performance as a single and cheerful woman who is looking for a bit of romance and Craib does a good job as a charming man who also happens to be made out of dough. Vitko also worked on the editing and creates well-constructed montage sequences and utilises jump cuts to good effect. Andrew Whitbeck develops music that includes jazz and it accompanies the scenes effectively."
Jason Knight
UK Film Review
" really enjoyable with a nice structure...keeps the viewers tied to the screen...the strengths of this short are Jillian's performance and the story...Honeydough is quite fine in every technical section."
Robinson Film Awards
(Best Actress)
"[Honeydough] attempts to bring in romance, humor, and a markedly dark development of events...the final result remains entertaining, along with possessing the desire to share its story with the viewer."
(Short Film Nominee)
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